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Orkhon Khasu Students vs Korean students

Orkhon KhaSu, Cambridge International School’s student, Master of International Sports Enkhjin T., has been studying at Punsen Taekwondo school in Korea for two years.

Enkhjin’s classmates in Korea have been meeting with our school’s 9b class students and they introduced the cultures of the two countries to each other.

Enkhjin won bronze medal at 49kg from the last summer Asian Youth Taekwondo championship. We wish all the success in sports on behalf of all friends, brothers and sisters.

Олон улсын Кембрижийн хөтөлбөртэй Орхон Хасү сургуулийн сурагч ОУХМ Т.Энхжин маань 2 жилийн өмнөөс БНСУ-ын Пүнсен таеквондо дунд сургуульд шилжин суралцаж байгаа билээ.

Т.Энхжингийн маань солонгос дахь ангийн найз нөхөд нь манай сургуулийн 9б ангийнхантай Skype аар танилцаж, тэд хоёр орныхоо соёлын талаар нэг нэгэндээ сурталчилж танилцууллаа.

Дашрамд хэлэхэд ОУХМ Т.Энхжин маань өнгөрсөн зун болж өнгөрсөн Ази тивийн таеквондогийн өсвөрийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнээс 49 кг жинд хүрэл медаль хүртсэн юм. Т.Энхжиндээ спортын өндөр амжилтыг бүх найз нөхөд, ах эгч дүү нараас нь хүргэж байна.

Oct 16th, 2019(Wed) Mongol vs Korea

Last year, a Mongolian student, Enkhjin Alex transferred to my school to learn Taekwondo. This new school year, one day I met him as his English, and I asked him if we would have an online class with your ex-school. I still remember his face with so delightful and exciting expressions when we talked about our plan; the online meeting between both schools.

Today was the day our dream came true. Your American student sang so beautifully, and the second performance in wearing traditional costume was so fascinating. I am sure that my students came to want to know more about Mongol through this wonderful time. Mongol is so beautiful a country with cultural & traditional heritage!

I sincerely appreciate Ган Баяр for your dedicated efforts, especially every performance you had your students prepare. It was so much well-prepared and amazingly fun, and my students enjoyed a lot with them. They were so lovely and brilliant!

Thank you so much again!

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